Reading tips

1. Doctors orders – Specialists’ Day to Day Work and their jurisdictional claims in Dutch hospitals by Karen Kruijthof

This book describes the way’s of doctors working in Dutch hospitals and the way they function in relation to the hospital.

2. De medicus maatgevend – over leiderschap en habitus by Yolande Witman

This book is about doctors that are in leadership positions in Dutch academic hospitals. It also described the doctors habitus which is different from the ways of the management world.

3. A Treatise in Efficacy by Francois Jullien

This book describes strategy thinking from ancient China and relates this to our Western world way of thinking. It’s a philosophical book which I found very interesting because it describes a way of thinking in which reality is the basis for setting effective strategies, rather than ideology.

4. Identifying Logistical Parameters in Hospitals: Does literature reflect integration in hospitals? A scoping study by Annelies van der Ham, Henri Boersma, Arno van Raak, Dirk Ruwaard and Frits van Merode

This is the first paper resulting from this PhD research, published in 2018 in Health Services Management Research. You can find it through DOI: 10.1177/0951484818813488

5. Principal agent relationships and the efficiency of hospitals by Martijn Ludwig, Frits van Merode and Wim Groot

This paper shows that quality and efficiency go hand in hand. It also shows that optimizing hospital departments does not necessarily improve the overall hospital performance, but cooperation along the health care chain does. The citation is:

Ludwig M, van Merode GG and Groot W (2010) Principal agent relationships and the efficiency of hospitals. Eur J Health Econ 11: 291-304

6. Differentiation and Integration in Complex Organizations by Lawrence and Lorsch

This work is important formy first paper and also in the second one coming up. Even though it is from the sixties it still has valid notions on integration and differentiation in organizations. The citation is:

Lawrence PRL, Lorsch JW (1967) Differentiation and Integration in Complex Organizations, Administrative Science Quarterly 12: 1-47.

7. Social network analysis

If you are interested in social network analysis and the NodeXL software that I used (a limited version is free and is worth exploring), these are interesting basics:

James O’Malley AJ and Marsden PV (2008) The Analysis of Social Networks, Health Serv Outcomes Res Methodol. 18(4): 222–269

Kilduff M, Tsai W (2003) Social networks and organizations. SAGE, London, Ebook (Accessed 6 September 2018)

Smith M, Ceni A, Milic-Frayling N, Shneiderman B, Mendes Rodrigues E, Leskovec J, Dunne C, (2010) NodeXL: a free and open network overview, discovery and exploration add-in for Excel 2007/2010/2013/2016, from the Social Media Research Foundation:

Hansen DL, Smith MA, Shneiderman B (2011) Analyzing Social Media Networks with NodeXL: Insights From a Connected World. Morgan Kaufmann

8. Social networks and organizations

If you want to read about research on network performance here are some references that I used:

Provan KG, Sebastian JG (1998) Networks within Networks: Service Link Overlap, Organizational Cliques, and Network Effectiveness. The Academy of Management Journal 41(4); 453-463

Provan KG, Kenis P (2008) Modes of Network Governance: Structure, Management, and Effectiveness. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 18(2); 229–252

Granovetter MS (1973) The strength of weak ties. American Journal of Sociology 78: 1360-1380

Haythornthwaite C (1996) Social Network Analysis: an approach for the study of information exchange. LISR 18: 323-342